Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Anyone who has ever done a road trip of New Zealand will have indelible memories of their Cook Strait crossing.

Interislander has three ferries, Arahua, Kaitaki and Aratere. They are big and have powerful ship. With over 5000 sailings each year, there will always be a crossing that fits in with your schedule. And, because all three are able to carry vehicles, it easy to take your rental between the two islands. Just drive on and drive off. With your car safely parked you can enjoy the crossing. Be sure to have plenty of film, or memory in your camera. How knows, you may even be lucky enough to be catch sight of a dolphin or three as you cruise along.

If you are feeling hungry, there are cafes and bars in which you can enjoy a meal or a light snack, a soft drink or a glass or two of beers and wines.

As well as offering some fantastic views of the great outdoors, Interislander has plenty to keep you entertained indoors as well. You can catch a new release movie in the onboard cinema, And for the kids, Interislander’s children’s play area are available and will keep them, hopefully, amused for the whole voyage.

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